Left 4 Dead Eleventy Wiki

The Crusher is a Comaher that has extreme bone growth and hardening. Its hands have been mutated into large hammer-like clubs. Its attacks are pounding survivors with its hands, and when it kills a survivor, it crushes most of the survivor with a punding-style attack.


  • The Crusher's Finisher is arguably one of the goriest finisher in the game, aside from HADES finisher.

First Grade (Standard) The Tank / The Witch / The Smoker / The Hunter / The Boomer / The Screamer / The Charger / The Spitter / The Jockey / The Splitter
Second Grade (Comaher) The Deciever / The Stalker / The Quaker / The Spiker / The Smackdown / The Reaver / The Lobber / The Fallen / The Crusher / The Ripper
Boss Infected The Cerberus / The Juggernaut / The Leviathin / HADES
Tribals SomaHara Tribal / Tribal Sniper / Tribal Squad Leader / Tribal Assassin /
Military Military Soldier / Military Sniper / Military Medic / Military Spy / Military Big Gunner
Boss Human Tribal Leader / Military Captain / Doctor Comaher